Illuminating Engineering

美 [ɪˈluːmɪneɪtɪŋ ˌendʒɪˈnɪrɪŋ]英 [ɪˈluːmɪneɪtɪŋ ˌendʒɪˈnɪərɪŋ]
  • n.照明工程;照明工程学
Illuminating EngineeringIlluminating Engineering
  1. Visual spectral luminous efficiency function is a fundamental function which has extensive applications in illuminating engineering .


  2. The current progress in illuminating engineering science ( part ⅰ)


  3. The illuminating engineering is a science .


  4. This paper explains briefly the lighting device on the ellipsoidal path and its application in the illuminating engineering .


  5. She has been a member of the Refraction Committee of Chinese Ophthalmologic Society , a member of the Color Vision Committee of China Illuminating Engineering Society .


  6. In this paper are briefly discussed three problems : a , The relationship between illuminating engineering and hygienics , and the use of natural and artificial light based upon different views of the both ;


  7. LED ( light emitted diode ) is now widely used in the field of illuminating engineering as well as information technology , and is expected to be one of the uppermost light sources in the future .


  8. This paper has introduced a kind of design method for digital urban lighting , it is an application of the illuminating engineering in digital city and a kind of measurable , dynamic visualization design method of the effect of digital urban lighting .


  9. This paper presents the principle of Cryogenic radiometer , current status of development in cryogenic radiometer technique , its relation with the most commonly used quantities in illuminating engineering , such as luminous intensity ( candela , SI base unit ), illuminance , luminance and color of source .
